
Sunday, May 2, 2010



Master Hpertext (or Extensible Hypertext) Markup Language (HTML/XHTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and You’re well on your way to creating modern, accessible Websites. This comprehensive guide offers integrated instruction in both. You’ll save time and get more productive by learning to structure your (X) HTML content for best effect with CSS styles, from the start.Using the latest standards, best practices, and real-world examples, web expert Virginia DeBolt offers a thorough grounding in the basics plus advanced techniques for those who want to improve their current skills or learn more modern ways of working. You’ll find out how to create websites that are accessible to the widest range o visitors, learn the latest specs, build CSS for print and handheld devices, and work with a variety of CSS-based layouts.

If you want to know more and download the source follow the link below

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