TinyMCE is a well known WYSIWYG HTML Editor which extensively used in web applications to create HTML contents. It supports text formatting, table insert, link insert, image insert and more features.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | //tinymce_upload.php <?php $fileName = $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ]; $fileType = $_POST [ 'filetype' ]; if ( $fileType == 'image' ){ $validExtension = array ( 'png' , 'jpeg' , 'jpg' ); } $uploadDir = "upload/" . $fileName ; $fileExtension = pathinfo ( $uploadDir , PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $fileExtension = strtolower ( $fileExtension ); if (in_array( $fileExtension , $validExtension )){ if (move_uploaded_file( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $uploadDir )){ echo $fileName ; } } ?> |