
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pagination using PHP, MySQLi and Bootstrap

Pagination using PHP, MySQLi and Bootstrap
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title>Pagination using PHP, MySQLi and Bootstrap</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />  
<script src=""></script>  
<script src=""></script>
 $limit = isset($_POST["limit-records"]) ? $_POST["limit-records"] : 10;
 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
 $start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
 $result = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT $start, $limit");
 $customers = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
 $result1 = $conn->query("SELECT count(id) AS id FROM customers");
 $custCount = $result1->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
 $total = $custCount[0]['id']; 
 $pages = ceil( $total / $limit ); 
 $Previous = $page - 1;
 $Next = $page + 1;
<div class="container well" style="margin-top:20px;">
 <h1 class="text-center">Pagination using PHP MySQLi and Bootstrap</h1>
 <div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-10">
    <nav aria-label="Page navigation">
     <ul class="pagination">
          <a href="bootstrap-pagination-php-mysql.php?page=<?= $Previous; ?>" aria-label="Previous">
            <span aria-hidden="true">« Previous</span>
        <?php for($i = 1; $i<= $pages; $i++) : 
       if ($i==$page) {$active = "class='active'"; 
       }else {$active = ""; } 
         <li <?php echo $active; ?>><a href="bootstrap-pagination-php-mysql.php?page=<?= $i; ?>"><?= $i; ?></a></li>
        <?php endfor; ?> 
          <a href="bootstrap-pagination-php-mysql.php?page=<?= $Next; ?>" aria-label="Next">
            <span aria-hidden="true">Next »</span>
   <div class="text-center" style="margin-top: 20px; " class="col-md-2">
    <form method="post" action="#">Show
      <select name="limit-records" id="limit-records">
       <option value="10" selected="selected">10</option>
       <?php foreach([10,100,500,1000,5000] as $limit): ?>
        <option <?php if( isset($_POST["limit-records"]) && $_POST["limit-records"] == $limit) echo "selected" ?> value="<?= $limit; ?>"><?= $limit; ?></option>
       <?php endforeach; ?>
 <div style="overflow-y: auto;">
   <table id="" class="table table-striped table-bordered">
           <?php foreach($customers as $customer) :  ?>
             <td><?= $customer['id']; ?></td>
             <td><?= $customer['name']; ?></td>
             <td><?= $customer['mobile']; ?></td>
             <td><?= $customer['address']; ?></td>
             <td><?= $customer['createdOn']; ?></td>
           <?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
.active {background-color: #337ab7;border-color: #337ab7;}
$conn = new mysqli('localhost','root','','testingdb');
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die('Error : ('. $conn->connect_errno .') '. $conn->connect_error);

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