1. Install phpBB and test that it works properly. For ease of configuration, it's recommended to install phpBB to the root
of your server, perhaps like this:
2. Edit the /includes/configure.php file for Zen Cart and enter the path to your phpBB folder on this line:
//define('DIR_WS_PHPBB', '/home/users/username/public_html/phpBB3/');
//define('DIR_WS_PHPBB','/home/users/billy123/public_html/forum'); //live path
define('DIR_WS_PHPBB', 'H:/R_EDNALAN/PROJECT/ZENCART/phpBB3/'); //local path
3. In Zen Cart's Admin area, go to Configuration, My Store, and set "Enable phpBB Linkage?" to TRUE
4. Now any new users created will be asked to select a forum username during signup.