
Saturday, December 26, 2015

How to use captcha in codeigniter

How to use captcha in codeigniter

Create a controller
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Captcha extends CI_Controller {
   public function __construct()  {
        parent:: __construct();
  public function index() {
 //validating form fields
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Email Address', 'required');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('user_password', 'Password', 'required');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('userCaptcha', 'Captcha', 'required|callback_check_captcha');
    $userCaptcha = $this->input->post('userCaptcha');
  if ($this->form_validation->run() == false){
      // numeric random number for captcha
      $random_number = substr(number_format(time() * rand(),0,'',''),0,6);
      // setting up captcha config
      $vals = array(
             'word' => $random_number,
             'img_path' => './captcha_images/',
             'img_url' => base_url().'captcha_images/',
             'img_width' => 140,
             'img_height' => 32,
             'expiration' => 7200
      $data['captcha'] = create_captcha($vals);
      $this->load->view('captcha', $data);
    }else {
      // do your stuff here.
      echo 'I m here clered all validations';
  public function check_captcha($str){
    $word = $this->session->userdata('captchaWord');
    if(strcmp(strtoupper($str),strtoupper($word)) == 0){
      return true;
      $this->form_validation->set_message('check_captcha', 'Please enter correct words!');
      return false;
Create folder root directory captcha_images
Create a view 
<title>Adding a Captcha!</title>
<h1>Captcha Example</h1>
<?php echo form_open('captcha'); ?>
<div class="formSignIn" >
  <div class="form-group">
    <input autocomplete="off" type="text" id="username" name="username" placeholder="User Email" value="<?php if(!empty($username)){ echo $username;} ?>" />
    <span class="required-server"><?php echo form_error('username','<p style="color:#F83A18">','</p>'); ?></span> </div>
  <div class="form-group">
    <input autocomplete="off" type="password" id="user_password" name="user_password" placeholder="User Password" value="" />
    <span class="required-server"><?php echo form_error('user_password','<p style="color:#F83A18">','</p>'); ?></span> </div>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="captcha"><?php echo $captcha['image']; ?></label>
    <input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="userCaptcha" placeholder="Enter above text" value="<?php if(!empty($userCaptcha)){ echo $userCaptcha;} ?>" />
    <span class="required-server"><?php echo form_error('userCaptcha','<p style="color:#F83A18">','</p>'); ?></span> </div>
  <div class="form-group">
    <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="Sign In" name="" />
<?php echo form_close(); ?>


A Chat Example using CodeIgniter and JQuery

A Chat Example using CodeIgniter and JQuery

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Chat extends CI_Controller {
  /* The default function that gets called when visiting the page */
  public function index() {       
  public function get_chats() {
    /* Connect to the mySQL database - config values can be found at:
    /application/config/database.php */
    $dbconnect = $this->load->database();
    /* Load the database model:
    /application/models/simple_model.php */
    /* Create a table if it doesn't exist already */
    echo json_encode($this->Chat_model->get_chat_after($_REQUEST["time"]));
  public function insert_chat() {
    /* Connect to the mySQL database - config values can be found at:
    /application/config/database.php */
    $dbconnect = $this->load->database();
    /* Load the database model:
    /application/models/simple_model.php */
    /* Create a table if it doesn't exist already */

  public function time() {
    echo "[{\"time\":" +  time() + "}]";
class Chat_model extends CI_Model {
  function __construct() 
    /* Call the Model constructor */

  function get_last_item()
    $this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC');
    $query = $this->db->get('Chats', 1);
    return $query->result();
  function insert_message($message)
    $this->message = $message;
    $this-> time = time();  
    $this->db->insert('Chats', $this);

  function get_chat_after($time)
    $this->db->where('time >', $time)->order_by('time', 'DESC')->limit(10); 
    $query = $this->db->get('Chats');
    $results = array();
    foreach ($query->result() as $row)
      $results[] = array($row->message,$row->time);
    return array_reverse($results);

  function create_table()
    /* Load db_forge - used to create databases and tables */
    /* Specify the table schema */
    $fields = array(
                    'id' => array(
                                  'type' => 'INT',
                                  'constraint' => 5,
                                  'unsigned' => TRUE,
                                  'auto_increment' => TRUE
                    'message' => array(
                                  'type' => 'TEXT'
                    'time' => array(
                        'type' => 'INT'
    /* Add the field before creating the table */
    /* Specify the primary key to the 'id' field */
    $this->dbforge->add_key('id', TRUE);
    /* Create the table (if it doesn't already exist) */
    $this->dbforge->create_table('Chats', TRUE);
  <title> Chat Exmaples! </title>
  <script src="//"></script>
    var time = 0;
    var updateTime = function (cb) {
      $.getJSON("index.php/chat/time", function (data) {
    var sendChat = function (message, cb) {
      $.getJSON("index.php/chat/insert_chat?message=" + message, function (data){
    var addDataToReceived = function (arrayOfData) {
      arrayOfData.forEach(function (data) {
        $("#received").val($("#received").val() + "\n" + data[0]);
    var getNewChats = function () {
      $.getJSON("index.php/chat/get_chats?time=" + time, function (data){
        // reset scroll height
        }, 0);
        time = data[data.length-1][1];
    // using JQUERY's ready method to know when all dom elements are rendered
    $( document ).ready ( function () {
      // set an on click on the button
      $("form").submit(function (evt) {
        var data = $("#text").val();
        // get the time if clicked via a ajax get queury
        sendChat(data, function (){
      setInterval(function (){
  <h1> Chat Example on Codeigniter </h1>
  <textarea id="received" rows="10" cols="50">
    <input id="text" type="text" name="user">
    <input type="submit" value="Send">

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