
Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Perfect AJAX Request

The Perfect AJAX Request

  type: 'POST',
  url: '',
  data: { postVar1: 'theValue1', postVar2: 'theValue2' },
    // this is where we append a loading image
'); }, success:function(data){ // successful request; do something with the data $('#ajax-panel').empty(); $(data).find('item').each(function(i){ $('#ajax-panel').append('

' + $(this).find('title').text() + '

' + $(this).find('link').text() + '

'); }); }, error:function(){ // failed request; give feedback to user $('#ajax-panel').html('

Oops! Try that again in a few moments.

'); } });

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Running Python Scripts on Windows with Apache and Xampp

Running Python Scripts on Windows with Apache and Xampp

create a script like the following, and put it in c:\xampp\cgi-bin\


print "Content-type: text/html"
print "<html>"
print "<head>"
print "<title>Tutorial CGI</title>"
print "</head>"
print "<body>"
print "<h1>Phython!</h1>"
print "<p>Xampp</p>"
print "<p>Tutorial101</p>"
print "<p>Phython for web</p>"
print "</body>"
print "</html>"

URL = http://localhost/cgi-bin/

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Creating a RESTful Web Service in PHP

Creating a RESTful Web Service in PHP
// process client request via url
if (!empty($_GET['name'])) {
 $name = $_GET['name'];
 $price = get_price($name);
 if (empty($name))
  deliver_response(200,"book not found", null);
  deliver_response(200,"book found", $price);
 deliver_response(400,"Invalid request", null);

function deliver_response($status,$status_message,$data)
 header("HTTP/1.1 $status $status_message");
 $response['status'] = $status;
 $response['status_message'] = $status_message;

 $json_response = json_encode($response); 
 echo $json_response;
function get_price($find) {
  "java" =>299,
  "c" =>348,
  "php" =>267

 foreach ($books as $book=>$price){
 if ($book==$find) {
  return $price;
//.htaccess file
# Turn on the rewrite engin
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

#request routing
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z]*)$ index.php?name=$1 [nc,qsa]

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